Our games work on two distinct planes: education, and mind development.
On the educational plane, they teach key elements of grammar such as the basic verbs and tenses, their combination with nouns and pronouns, numbers, different types of clauses, sentence-building, and problematic items like strong verbs and nouns. Active vocabulary meanwhile expands and becomes more varied, such that young people will be:
- Increasingly able to engage in relaxed, free-flowing speech and dialog;
- Equipped to overcome language barriers they will encounter in the real world;
- Faster, more comfortable communicators.
On the mind development plane, these games also improve attention span, speech capabilities, persistence of memory, quickness and independence of thought, and decision-making.
Moreover, the games push young people to think rationally, analyze, develop individual points of view, and work out solutions to problems.
A further and quite unique feature of the games is their focus on developing moral values and principles, learning to distinguish between good and evil, reinforcing strength of will and resistance to corrupt influences, and acting in a considered rather than impulsive manner.
Summing up, our games are doubly effective because in parallel with teaching the linguistic subject matter, they also instill the key basics for strong self-esteem, versatility, quick-wittedness and responsibility -qualities that will be of lasting benefit to young people as they progress into adulthood.