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Collaboration – how it works

Cooperation is based on a licensing agreement for each game: under the terms of the license, our partners are allowed to publish and commercially exploit the game for an agreed period.(...)

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Join our team!

There are several ways you can become involved in our team effort: (...)

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How the project was developed?

The project started many years ago in the process of teaching kids of different age groups. Here we are faced with the problem of explaining in a suitable way the most difficult themes in grammar so that they will understand everything without boredom. (...)

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Possible ways of collaboration

We have several approaches to interacting with partners. Whichever model is most applicable your case, you will be asked to sign an agreement covering non-disclosure, unauthorised copying or manufacturing before we release samples or finished products for your testing and evaluation. (...)

For shops

Our games differ from similar products on the market in three main ways: (...)

For educational institutions

Snail Gmbh develops games and toys for learning foreign languages. We worked out a truly innovative approach for getting children to speak and think in English, or indeed virtually any other foreign language! (...)

For retailers

All questions may be discussed so we can come to the most favourable solution. The factors that influence whether we will ship free freight to the retailer's warehouse are: (...)

A list of questions for retailers

While we work on a response, there are also some details that we would be most obliged to hear from your side:(...)

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For Social and Educational Organizations

The main mission of the company is to develop educational games, and through them to give equal chances to all kids with different abilities and skills (including mentally-challenged children) to use and learn any language in a playful, interesting way (...)